So, what do you do all day?

Do people ask you that, now that you’re unemployed? Do you hate that question as much as I do?

I treat my day just like a workday. I’m on the computer looking for jobs, updating my resume, sending out resumes and filling out online applications. Some of those online job applications can take up to an hour to complete.

I do a lot of reading. I follow up recommended job boards and other sites that have been suggested. I click on links in people’s Twitter profiles or ones that are tweeted that pertain to finding work. I save anything unrelated to my search for later. I don’t play games or read for entertainment until after 5 p.m. Do I stick to this routine perfectly? I’d love to say yes, but I don’t.

I’ve decided that I need to lighten up a little bit. Now that I’ll be getting unemployment (I’m still waiting for the letter of determination, but it’s only Tuesday), I can stop applying for jobs that I don’t really want and I’m not really qualified to do. I’m going to spend a little time each day actually cleaning my office and maybe even the rest of the house. (I hope I get work soon!) I’m going to spend some time each day working on my jewelry as well. I don’t sell much this time of year but I need to increase my inventory for the fall festival and craft show season.

So, what do you do all day? What do you do to keep yourself from focusing on your joblessness? Are you enjoying this time off or are you chomping at the bit to get back to work? Do you have a hobby to help keep you from completely obsessing about being out of work? Do you now have the cleanest house in town or are you, like me, using the job search as an excuse not to clean the toilets?

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7 Comments on “So, what do you do all day?”

  1. Queen Bitch Says:

    Hi! Great post! So many of us have INvoluntarily joined the club of the employed. What I do (in addition to job searching) – is complain about it ๐Ÿ™‚ For me it helps to find the humor.

  2. Wang Says:

    Good post!

    I’m currently doing some part time volunteer work related to my field and then every other spare hour I have I’m doing job searching, much like what you do (bookmarking jobs to apply to, taking down job search sites that I have heard about or read about, revamping my resume, etc.)

    I like your idea of working on a hobby or personal stuff in your spare time. I’m not sure if it applies to all fields, but I know that people in the high tech industry like to see people who do tech-related things in their spare time (for example, programming projects).

  3. cinqueen Says:

    Queen Bitch, love the name!

    You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine.

  4. cinqueen Says:

    Great idea on the volunteering! Not only are you keeping your skills up and making possible job contacts, you’re doing some good for others too. Very cool.

  5. Queen"B" Says:

    Hello Cinqueen! Thank you but after I posted above I realized that I should probably change the name to something more appropriate for commenting purposes — I had totally forgotten that WP uses whatever name is defaulted in settings. So now it’s just Queen”B”. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I like how you share your thoughts/experiences about being jobless in such a kindly way. Much UNLIKE myself. Bwahaha. So I have added you to my blog roll.

  6. cinqueen Says:

    Thanks Queen!

  7. I find your posts very interesting to read. I was reading today how a woman set up a to do business in Lynchburg. I looked for it to refer it to you, but could not find it. I will search some more. I am thinking that she could possibly use you, as her business appears to be expanding. Since she offers to dos of almost every variety, maybe you could just do the things that you like to do.
    A great blog, and I will continue to follow it.

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